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Date: Wed, 9 Mar 94 04:30:24 PST
From: Ham-Equip Mailing List and Newsgroup <ham-equip@ucsd.edu>
Errors-To: Ham-Equip-Errors@UCSD.Edu
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Subject: Ham-Equip Digest V94 #57
To: Ham-Equip
Ham-Equip Digest Wed, 9 Mar 94 Volume 94 : Issue 57
Today's Topics:
AM audio on Kenwood TS-430 (stinks!)
Does anyone make a better AM filter for the TS-50? (2 msgs)
Mods for HTX-100.
Motorola manuals getting more expensive?
PL scan on FT530?
Reviving Old Equipment
ts60 (2 msgs)
wanted ts 940, 811, 711, 140, 680 at dayton hamfest
Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Ham-Equip@UCSD.Edu>
Send subscription requests to: <Ham-Equip-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
Archives of past issues of the Ham-Equip Digest are available
(by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-equip".
We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
Date: 8 Mar 1994 15:35:22 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!agate!boulder!eesnyder@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: AM audio on Kenwood TS-430 (stinks!)
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
I recently bought a used Kenwood TS-430. I am pretty happy with it
except for one problem. The audio when receiving AM signals (in
AM mode) stinks. There is very little high end to the signal and
it basically sounds like there is a pillow over the speaker. I can
often make it sound better by tuning 1 kHz off the frequency (in
either direction-- so I know it is centered properly) or even
switch to one of the sideband modes (either will work so I know the
signal I am listening to is not actually SSB). Does any one have
and suggestions on to how to correct this problem?
Many thanks,
Eric E. Snyder
Department of MCD Biology ...making feet for childrens' shoes.
University of Colorado, Boulder
Boulder, Colorado 80309-0347
Date: 8 Mar 94 14:58:43 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!aries!hawley@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Does anyone make a better AM filter for the TS-50?
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
dbraun@scdtintel.com (Doug Braun ) writes:
>I like my TS-50, but the cheap 2-pole stock AM filter
>is not that great for listening to SW broadcasts.
>Does anyone know if it's possible to get an aftermarket
>AM filter for the TS-50? Unfortunately, this radio
>uses a non-standard (for AM/SSB, at least) IF of 10.7 MHz.
Has anyone noticed the raspy sound of CW on the TS50....
conditions are in CW mode, CW filter installed but not
selected, and tuned to an offset of 1KHz or more. I don't
remember the raspy sound before I installed the filter, but
it shouldn't make any diff since I don't have it turned on.
If I tune around, I can get a pure sounding tone at a lower
offset....800 Hz maybe.....or maybe it comes and goes. It
sounds kind of like a square wave at times. This is mobile
w/ a bugcatcher style antenna.
Thanks......Chuck Hawley, KE9UW.
Date: 8 Mar 1994 16:12:16 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!library.ucla.edu!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!howland.reston.ans.net!math.ohio-state.edu!news.acns.nwu.edu!casbah.acns.nwu.edu!rdewan@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Does anyone make a better AM filter for the TS-50?
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
In article <hawley.763138723@aries>,
Chuck Hawley <hawley@aries.scs.uiuc.edu> wrote:
>dbraun@scdtintel.com (Doug Braun ) writes:
>>I like my TS-50, but the cheap 2-pole stock AM filter
>>is not that great for listening to SW broadcasts.
>>Does anyone know if it's possible to get an aftermarket
>>AM filter for the TS-50? Unfortunately, this radio
>>uses a non-standard (for AM/SSB, at least) IF of 10.7 MHz.
Try IRCI. They announced a few filters for the TS50. They advertise
regularly in the QST.
>Has anyone noticed the raspy sound of CW on the TS50....
>conditions are in CW mode, CW filter installed but not
>selected, and tuned to an offset of 1KHz or more. I don't
>remember the raspy sound before I installed the filter, but
>it shouldn't make any diff since I don't have it turned on.
>If I tune around, I can get a pure sounding tone at a lower
>offset....800 Hz maybe.....or maybe it comes and goes. It
>sounds kind of like a square wave at times. This is mobile
>w/ a bugcatcher style antenna.
>Thanks......Chuck Hawley, KE9UW.
I have the same set-up: TS50 and the Texas Bugcatcher. And I have
the filter installed. I have not noticed the raspy sound. But
then again, I almost always have the narrow filter on. I will check again.
I really like the radio. With the narrow filter selected, the audio signal
peaks nicely and makes it very easy to zero beat.
The only down side is that I have to leave the mic connected to
use the four programmable buttons on the mic. I have set them up
to change the power level, split reverse, sideband reverse for CW
and CW filter select.
In the last few days, I have been using it on 20m with just 10w out.
Never had to call more than twice to have a qso. Great fun.
Mobile qrp (almost).
Rajiv dit l dit
aa9ch l
r-dewan@nwu.edu ******************** =
* rajiv aa9ch/m * =
* r-dewan @nwu.edu * l
* iambic cmos super2 * l
********* kwd ts50 tx bugcatcher * l
* *l
* *** *** *H
* * * * * *H
base* *kenwd850*vert*80mloop* *kent**
*** ***
Date: 5 Mar 94 15:03:25 GMT
From: envoy!equinox.unr.edu!destree@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Mods for HTX-100.
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
If someone has the mods for the HTX-100 could you please send
them to me?
73's de Louis
Louis A. Destree University of Nevada, Reno
destree@unr.edu <> destree@equinox.bitnet Electrical Engineering
Amateur Radio: N7XNX (General Class) Bike: 1980 Honda CB750C
"Of all the things I've lost in life, I miss my mind the most!"
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 1994 17:48:02 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!news.intercon.com!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!pixar!bruce@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Motorola manuals getting more expensive?
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
I just attempted to order a UHF Micor service manual from the Motorola
parts order line. When I last bought a VHF Micor service manual, it cost
$11.50 . This time they wanted $50 for the UHF Micor manual. They want
$150 for a Syntor service manual.
Have they raised prices? Is this a result of their misguided security
Bruce Perens AB6YM
Date: 6 Mar 94 05:17:08 GMT
From: netcomsv!netcom.com!wy1z@decwrl.dec.com
Subject: PL scan on FT530?
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
I've tried the instructions in the manual to active PL scan (F/M, SET,
F/M, T SET), but the HT didn't seem to care.
It has been modified for wide band receive (Pad 13 mod).
Funny thing though - the reference pages at the beginning of the manual
for the HT mention that the same keystrokes above have no affect on the HT.
What gives?
I might just include the right answer as a mod file to the World mod
archive files.
Scott, WY1Z
| Scott Ehrlich Amateur Radio: wy1z AMPRnet: wy1z@wa1phy.ampr.org |
| Internet: wy1z@neu.edu BITnet: wy1z@NUHUB AX.25: wy1z@wa1phy.ma.usa.na |
| Maintainer of the Boston Amateur Radio Club hamradio FTP area on |
| the World - ftp.std.com pub/hamradio |
Date: 5 Mar 94 17:32:53 GMT
From: olivea!tardis!tymix.Tymnet.COM!niagara!flanagan@ames.arpa
Subject: Reviving Old Equipment
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
In article <2knvpb$5jg@tymix.Tymnet.COM> I wrote:
>Back in 1972 I decided to indulge myself and bought a Drake Line:
> R-4B Receiver
> T-4XB Transmitter
> AC-4 Power Supply
> MS-4 Speaker
> L-4B Linear Amp
> C-4 Station Console
> MN-2000 Antenna Tuner
>After using the station for about ten hours, I found I had to relocate
>across the country. The brand new equipment went back into their
>plastic bags and factory boxes. Life went on. . . .
>After more than twenty-one years, those boxes are still unopened.
I then went on to ask for comments on the best way to re-introduce this
equipment to the world in general and to power in particular. I received
several very helpful responses (Thank You, everyone!) and one very
interesting proposition.
One of the net members has offered to trade me his Kenwood TS-940S
(with built-in antenna tuner) for the whole lot and he will take full
responsibility for the electrical condition of my equipment. He says
the TS-940S is worth $1250 on the current used equipment market. I
am intrigued by his offer and, therefore, ask the following additional
questions of the net:
IS a TS-940S w/ built-in antenna tuner (and CW filter) worth $1250?
What is the net's opinion of the TS-940S?
Would this trade be a good deal for me?
Thanks, as usual, for all your help. . . .
Dick, W6OLD
Dick Flanagan, CFII-G Grob Speed Astir "DY"
Libelle Productions, Minden, NV MCI Mail: 412-2140
Voice/FAX: +1 702 782 8644 GEnie: FLANAGAN
Date: 6 Mar 94 06:22:05 GMT
From: dockmaster.phantom.com!wb3cpf@uunet.uu.net
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
I have a few items for sale:
IC 2AT w/leather case and box (no battery).....$60
Paccomm HandiPacket portable TNC w/all access...$150
Both in box, you pay shipping. E Mail: wb3cpf@phantom.com
Also UHER professional portable hi-fi cassette recorder, w/ case, pwr
supply, schematics, manual, box......$150
Date: 8 Mar 94 16:09:27 -0500
From: yale.edu!noc.near.net!eisner!brown_mi@yale.arpa
Subject: Sidebands
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
In article <CROUNG.23.2D7B44ED@PHYSICS.watstar.uwaterloo.ca>, CROUNG@PHYSICS.watstar.uwaterloo.ca writes:
> Can anyone out there tell me what the upper and lower sideband
> means. For example what is the difference between the upper sideband of
> 3.860 MHz and the lower sideband of 3.860 MHz.
Ok Chris. It has been a while since I've been through the 'ole EE
Communications Class, but here it goes. Let's say we have an amplitude
modulated signal (AM). The carrier frequency is in the middle, and on the sides
are the "sidebands". The sidebands carry the information we need to reproduce
the voice, the music, or whatever was modulating the carrier. In a traditional
AM mode, the carrier is present and both of the sidebands are present. This is
what is used by your friendly AM broadcast station on the car radio. The other
two modes that I remember are DSBSC (double sideband suppressed carrier) and
SSBSC (single sideband suppressed carrier). What some great man in the early
years of radio discovered was that all we really need to reproduce audio from
the signal is one of the sidebands. We really don't even need the carrier
present. Thus, SSBSC. DSSBSC leaves both side bands, but filters out the
carrier. In the amateur radio world, we use SSBSC for most voice communications
in the HF bands (1.6 MHz to 30MHz). This allows us to squeeze more
conversations in our small bandspace because we only have one sideband and no
carrier. (SSB is also used on other ham frequencies, and AM w/carrier and both
sidebands is also used).
That's it at a very high level. I've intentionally left out some details
because (a) I don't remember them all and (b) they probably would just confuse
matters. If you need more info, grab a hold of a book at the local library.
Look for anything with Communcations and Theory in the title. Good Luck, and
would you be interested in becoming a ham?
73, Mike N9OPG
Date: 3 Mar 1994 16:58:05 GMT
From: tinman2!hammer!tardis@uunet.uu.net
Subject: ts60
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
does anyone know if the rig just has 6m receive capability or if it has a "general
coverage"+6m receive capability? would be nice if it did.
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 1994 03:45:18 GMT
From: netcomsv!netcom.com!henrys@decwrl.dec.com
Subject: ts60
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
Bob Citkowski (tardis@atd.mke.ab.com) wrote:
: hi,
: does anyone know if the rig just has 6m receive capability or if it has a "general
: coverage"+6m receive capability? would be nice if it did.
: bob
The TS-60 receives from 40MHZ to 60MHZ and transmits from 50MHZ to
It is a very nice 6 meter radio with 100 memories, CW, SSB, FM and
AM modes, 90 watts, excellant scanning capabilities and other nice
It is expensive, however, about $999, last time I checked.
Email me if you want more info.
Smitty, NA5K
| Henry B. Smith - NA5K henrys@netcom.com |
| Dallas, Texas |
| |
| "I'm not sure I understand everything that I know" |
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 1994 06:52:40 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!library.ucla.edu!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!news.msfc.nasa.gov!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!caen!malgudi.oar.net!news.ysu.edu!news.cps.udayton.edu!dmapub!apontej@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: wanted ts 940, 811, 711, 140, 680 at dayton hamfest
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
[ Article crossposted from rec.radio.amateur.antenna ]
[ Author was Jose Aponte ]
[ Posted on Tue, 8 Mar 1994 06:04:34 GMT ]
I am interested in any of the above.. needs to be a good
contest radio... will have to try out. need to see the
serial port command page to make sure it is compatible with
certain software package. indicate if cat serial port box
is available...
73's from kp4uy
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 1994 01:59:46 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!library.ucla.edu!csulb.edu!csus.edu!netcom.com!gscott@network.ucsd.edu
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
References <2l8gp3$ikl@lll-winken.llnl.gov>, <2lebkc$kmk@hpscit.sc.hp.com>, <2lh20r$auf@bigfoot.wustl.edu>
Subject : Re: GPS Receiver Boards
Jesse L Wei (jlw3@cec3.wustl.edu) wrote:
: Richard Karlquist (rkarlqu@scd.hp.com) wrote:
: : The Motorola GPS receiver is less than $150 in 100's. It has six
: : channels and just about all the features you would ever want.
: The question is: who's going to be buying in 100's?
I'll take one. Now you only have 99 more to get rid of!
Gavin Scott - Quest Software Inc - gavin@quests.com -or- gscott@netcom.com
Date: 8 Mar 1994 05:21:31 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!gatech!howland.reston.ans.net!wupost!bigfoot.wustl.edu!cec3!jlw3@network.ucsd.edu
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
References <jyoungberg.1.000B87CC@draper.com>, <2l8gp3$ikl@lll-winken.llnl.gov>, <2lebkc$kmk@hpscit.sc.hp.com>c3
Subject : Re: GPS Receiver Boards
Richard Karlquist (rkarlqu@scd.hp.com) wrote:
: The Motorola GPS receiver is less than $150 in 100's. It has six
: channels and just about all the features you would ever want.
: Rick Karlquist N6RK
: rkarlqu@scd.hp.com
The question is: who's going to be buying in 100's?
End of Ham-Equip Digest V94 #57